Thursday, April 21, 2011


“I am not ‘disabled.’
                                I learn differently.
                                I am not ‘handicapped.’
                                I take in and use information
                                                that is somewhat unique to me…
Teach me.
Don’t label me.”

                This is a little excerpt of the poem “Teach Me: Don’t label me” by Barbra K. Given.  This poem is an example of what kids with special needs want; they are regular kids and want to be treated like it. Special education expects have come up with an idea of how the kids with special disabilities can learn with other kids: inclusion. Inclusion is educating students with Individual Education Programs (IEPS) in the regular classroom for all or part of the school day. This is what all the parents and specialist are trying to achieve: having the kids with special needs try to learn with the other students. But you have to wonder is this really helping? Or if this is really helping the students, what can we do to change things and make them better?  In general there are pros and cons of inclusion and I will give both sides.

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